Innovation, alternative, to all other political forces.
- Details
- Written by: guarantors DirectDemocracyS Creators
- Category: Category
Due to the huge number of messages we receive, after clicking on "send email", wait the necessary time, a few dozen seconds, and the confirmation, in green, informing you that the message has been sent. Thank you.
Calling a public information article, with the name of: messages, might surprise some people, as it often happens, with all that we communicate to you.
But this is not just a simple article, it is a real social experiment.
We will explain to you how you can contact, directly, quickly, easily, safely, confidentially, and continuously, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, our political organization, but we invite you to do the same, with your favorite political force, in the old traditional political system.
As always, a brief introduction.
When we decided to make public, to some people, selectively, in the early stages, our political organization, we had some rules, quite detailed, that like all our rules, thanks to each person who joins us, can evolve, without ever distorting the ideals, values, principles, and previous rules. So, in DirectDemocracyS, additions can be made, to make the rules and the method better and more modern, but you cannot change, by distorting it, an initial rule.
This method, perhaps unique in the world, allows us to obtain something truly important: we will never forget where we started from, and what our clear objectives are. All this, continuously in our, hopefully very long, infinite, and useful to all, political activity. The same rule, to respect the origins, and the people before us, also applies in our entire system, therefore in our economic and financial activities. We rely on the fact that if a rule is good, and a method is valid, if it guarantees justice, fairness, and allows us to obtain excellent results, it must be applied everywhere, and must be respected everywhere, in our universe, and certainly, it could also be useful for the entire world population.
As always, with every single word, of every single sentence that we communicate to you, we could write very long articles, to explain it in detail (many are ready, and we will write many with whoever will join us), and above all, dear friends, to offer you all the reasons, of every single decision of ours.
As new and strange as it may seem, it is very important and useful to everyone, this method of ours, to speak directly with anyone, to discuss, to accept criticism, advice, proposals, but also to suffer some insults, and in some cases, fortunately very few, death threats. Every piece of advice, proposal, and even theories that make no sense, will be read, discussed, and evaluated by us, but then, those who have joined us, according to our rules, will always and only decide. We always respond, in an intelligent and very concrete way, to insults and threats that you send us from time to time.
Negotiations and collaborations with all other political forces and all their political representatives, with the exception of requests to join us, will always be public, because it is right, it clarifies every aspect, and makes it known to those who are with us (who, according to our rules, always know everything, based on their reliability), but above all towards the voters of other political forces, because we like to guarantee them transparency in relationships with other political forces, especially with ours.
Requests to join us, from anyone, will always remain confidential, to ensure anonymity and respect for personal data, which for us are and will always remain fundamental rules.
Social experiment.
This test of ours will also show you the enormous differences between DirectDemocracyS and all other political forces. Try to contact the political party or the political representative you voted for in the last elections, or if you did not vote, contact us directly. You must do it with all possible means of communication: by mail, telephone, fax, email, contact forms, or with messenger services. In the first contact, after greeting, say what you do not like about the political party or the political representative. In the second contact, make a concrete proposal to the political party or the political representative. We could do other experiments, with various types of contacts, with dozens or hundreds of things you do not like, and your concrete proposals, and with other motivations, but for now, let's limit ourselves to these 2.
How many responses did you receive, officially, as they responded to you, to both contacts?
Now, we invite all the tens of thousands of people, who are our users, to contact us, with the same 2 motivations, tell us one thing you don't like in DirectDemocracyS, and make us a concrete proposal, a project of yours, even a simple idea, to implement all together.
We like to do everything calmly, so we give you all the time you want. We will offer you, at the right time, the results, the evaluations, and the relative percentages, of those who have contacted other political forces, and of those who have contacted us. You will see exactly how others behave, and how we behave.
But let's see how anyone who wants to communicate with us can contact us.
Those outside of DirectDemocracyS can contact us only and exclusively through a contact form. The instructions are very simple: go to our official website, click on "contacts", or choose from our menu, the contact form, based on your needs. You will be redirected to our official website, dedicated to contacts, you will have to fill out a very simple contact form, generally, writing your name and surname, email address (be careful to write it correctly, otherwise it will not be possible to answer you), the subject, or the topic for which you contact us, and the content, in which you explain in detail, why you contact us, and how we can help you.
Those who have already joined us, always from the official website, must first log in, entering their username, password, and 2-factor authentication in the login form. After logging in, you can click on "contacts", or select the contact form from our menu, based on your needs. You will also be redirected to our official website, dedicated to contacts, where you will have to log in again, entering your username, password, and 2-factor authentication in the login form. The double access, as useless as it may seem, is mandatory, for security reasons, and allows you to have complete protection of your personal data, and your identity. After logging in, you can fill out the contact form, and send it. The rules for filling out the form are identical to those who contact us from outside, without therefore being part of our organization. The only differences are that those who are already with us will be able to choose from many more forms, increasingly specific and detailed, seeing and being able to use them, even many reserved for the various types of users and roles in our organization. The details received are based on the reliability of those who contact us, the type of user and the role in our organization. Response times for our users are also faster than those who are not with us. In addition to the contact forms, those who are already our registered users, with a verified and guaranteed identity, can also use other means to contact us, such as direct messages, chat, video calls, our telephone numbers, or various applications, but response times and more complete answers are obtained with the contact forms. We recommend that you do not use regular mail for various reasons, including the free nature of the contact forms, protecting the planet by not using paper, and also the risk of losing postcards or envelopes that you send us.
The official website, to contact DirectDemocracyS, is at this link:
Some simple rules, valid for anyone who contacts us.
DirectDemocracyS, always responds to everyone, in the ways, at the times, and according to specific rules, methodologies, and instructions.
We respect the privacy of anyone who contacts us, anyone who joins us, and we respect all people.
You will contact us, with our contact forms, which are protected, and stored on an external server, and we will respond to you, in the ways and times provided for, by our regulations, our methodologies, and our instructions, with an email message, directly to the email address you provided. We repeat: you must always check, to write completely, and correctly, your email address, otherwise we will not be able to respond to you.
We recommend that you always have a copy of the message you send us, by checking, before clicking on send the contact form, the box, "send a copy, to my email address", which will prove, unequivocally, that you have contacted us, with all the data, and the exact date and time.
We do not engage in any kind of negotiations, and we do not try to convince anyone to join us.
Before contacting us, please read the various informative, public articles, with the rules for contacting us, and on the use of contact forms.
Please do not ask us questions about issues we have already covered in our informative articles, you may simply receive a link to the article that answers your questions as a response.
In the event that you send us threats, insults, or false information about us, or other people, or other entities, we reserve the right to transmit these details, and all necessary data, to the competent authorities, and to undertake any necessary action, to obtain justice.
The contact forms are divided into various topics, according to every possible need, so please search exactly, the contact form, that best suits your needs. By choosing generic contact forms, for specific topics, you will still receive answers, but they will never be complete, and pertinent, like the specific contact forms. Also, the response times vary, if you do not choose the right forms. If you ask specific questions of a form, in a form that is not suitable, you could receive information, in a very long time, because our operators, must transfer your form, to those who actually, know the appropriate answers.
Language. DirectDemocracyS, receives questions, and therefore can be contacted, in all languages of the world, and responds exactly in the language, with which we are contacted. In the language modules, reserved for each language, we do not respond to those who use different languages, but only the specific one of the modules itself, and we do not respond in a generic way, but only for questions related to translations, for all specific questions, always use the specific modules.
Write correctly, both grammatically and spelling-wise. With all due respect to the less educated, incorrect wording makes it difficult, and often impossible, for those reading what you write to correctly understand the meaning of your questions. Do not use jargon, swear words, nicknames to identify specific people, or unusual terms.
In the contact forms, of our continental, national, state, and all other territorial and geographic subdivisions, up to the local ones, you only respond to the activities of DirectDemocracyS, in the various territories. Avoid contacting the geographic groups, with questions, or proposals, which must be made at an international level. Our rules, our methodologies, and instructions, are identical in each of our geographic subdivisions, so for example, do not ask for details for registration, and for the creation of a personal profile, through contact forms, of the various geographic areas, because they would answer you, to use the appropriate form, and you will have to fill out another one, therefore, you would waste your time, and you will also waste ours, so avoid similar behaviors.
Never send, for any reason, direct emails to our email addresses, because you will not receive any response, and on the second attempt, your email address will be blacklisted, and you will never be able to contact us, or register, with that email address. Only contact forms are used, and you will always receive responses, to your email address.
Do not send multiple questions, but only one at a time, and only after our response, if you have other questions, on the same topic, you can respond, this time, simply by responding to the email message, of our response, without having to fill out a new form, but we repeat it, responding, to our response directly via email. If instead you have no other questions, on the topic of your initial contact, do not use our response, to talk about other topics, or, to ask questions on other topics. Do not use our responses, with their respective email addresses, to contact us in the future, use for these new contacts, a new contact form, based on the topic that interests you.
Do not reveal to anyone, for any reason, our email addresses, with which we have responded to you, nor the content of your questions, and our answers. If you do so, you would violate our rules, and you could incur sanctions, and even legal proceedings, against you.
All your contact forms could be used to give public answers on the topics we discussed together, obviously without making public any of your personal data.
All our communications are encrypted, protected with the best technologies, always updated, so they are inaccessible to other entities, or people. Obviously, if you leave your smartphones, tablets, PCs, available to others, or do not protect these technological means, with adequate security measures, passwords, 2-factor authentication, and other measures, they are your mistakes. We are responsible for the protection of our communications, and you are responsible for any disclosure to others, of your data, and if our data is disclosed, you will automatically be held responsible, and you could suffer very serious consequences.
Never use, for any reason, the personal profile of one of our users, to access our websites, nor to send us contact forms, as a registered user, with priorities and advantages, to which you are not entitled. This method, through substitution, is strictly prohibited, and will have very serious consequences, both for the person legally registered on our website, and for the person, who replaces our user, to enter our reserved areas. Our special security groups, can verify at any time, your location, and your identity, after accessing our website. If you do not immediately accept, the verification of the identity, by video call, in which you will have to show your face, and your identity document, the personal profile used illegally will be immediately blocked, the identification of all the people involved will be carried out, who will all be included in our list of persona non grata, and automatically, and irreversibly, legal action will be immediately initiated, against all the people implicated.
All messages we receive will be checked, read, analyzed and evaluated by our message receiving groups, composed of our official members from all countries in the world, who speak all languages in the world, and who have knowledge of our rules for receiving messages. The messages will eventually be sent to the groups for translation of the messages received. Immediately after, they will be sent to our groups for replying to messages, who with the help and collaboration of all the necessary groups, will prepare the replies to all the contacts we receive. All our replies will eventually be sent to the groups for translation of the replies to the messages received. Finally, they will be sent to the groups for sending replying to messages, composed of our official members from all countries in the world, who speak all languages in the world, and who have knowledge of our rules for sending messages.
There are no answers, from one person, but from many groups of people, with various security measures, to prevent different answers, to identical questions. Do not ask us the same question several times, because the answers will always be, almost identical.
English: Use of technology. In addition to our IT systems, which guarantee the operation, verification, use, and conservation of all our IT activities, we will use in many cases, our customized Artificial Intelligence, also composed of external Artificial Intelligences, which often do not imply the direct use of human activity, in the entire process of receiving, analyzing, and sending responses. In parallel, all specific groups will be activated continuously, composed of our official members, and only in a few cases, by our registered users, with verified and guaranteed identity, with continuous supervision, both for the IT part, and for the human part, of our special security groups, with various security subgroups, which imply continuous control, of all our activities. Let us explain better, we use technology, but all our activities are carried out by human beings, who always have complete, definitive control and management of everything we do. We specify this, for those few who believe, greatly mistakenly, that we are machines, and not real people. We use machines, to gain speed, and eliminate any preferences, but in DirectDemocracyS, only groups of people always decide.
We have not yet made it possible for those who contact us to evaluate the answers you will receive, perhaps we will do so in the future, to have your opinion, on this important service, that we offer you with all the best intentions. As with every activity, we always decide as a group, and never, one person alone, so every answer, is the answer of all DirectDemocracyS.
Our answers, in addition to the protection of our users, and all their data, will never tell you, and for any reason, who created our organization, and who carried out the various activities. To know these activities of ours, you must be an active part of them, and be authorized.
Do not request official announcements, or press releases, or even previews regarding our activities, except for accredited media, so we will never, and for any reason, give you advance news.
Never use multiple email addresses to ask us multiple questions at once, because our computer systems can easily track you and identify you, and if you adopt similar behaviors, you risk being characterized as unreliable people, and therefore, suffering serious consequences.
All our activities are carried out confidentially, respecting all our rules, and those who contact us, join us, and collaborate with us, or simply use any of our services, accept all our methodologies.
Always avoid being clever, thinking yourself superior, and never try to use our activities in an ethically incorrect manner.
To know all our rules, and much of our information, read very carefully, even several times, trying to understand intentions, objectives, and motivations, with an open mind, in a complete way, all our informative articles, which you can find at this link (with various menu items, and various categories) and also at this link (with various menu items, and various categories), everything is visible in a public, safe, protected, freeway, and without any obligation, you just have to scroll down our pages, and you will start to study, and hopefully understand, how our organization works.
Thank you all for your patience, and for your loyal, honest, and reliable cooperation.