Block me
Fields marked with are required

Miscellaneous Information

Fill out the contact form, writing your name and surname, also add the username (chosen during registration), the e-mail address (specified during registration), as the object of the contact, write: "block my profile”, in the message specify: "block my profile, for … days (write the number of days, instead of the dots)!" Possibly, also write your profile number, to make everything faster.
For security, you can tick the box, to receive a copy, of your contact form, on your e-mail address.
Write down the code, letters, and numbers you see, to prove you're not a robot.
Tick the box, that you agree with our privacy policy, under the blue button, Send Email.
And finally click on: send Email.
Your personal profile will be blocked for the number of days you have selected.
In some cases, the action is immediate, in other cases, you will receive an e-mail to confirm the cancellation, to which you will have to reply with the message: "I confirm, that I want to block my personal profile, for ... days (write the number of days, instead of dots)!”. Without confirmation, the profile will not be blocked, and therefore you will be unblocked, until the time of confirmation, or, depending on the case, you could be blocked without justification, for variable periods.